The first day we all met at IGTC, we were strangers. Today, six weeks down the line we can fondly call ourselves a family; a family that learns together, dreams together, works together and makes amends together if things go wrong.

With lectures scheduled till late evening, business quizzes every week, assignments and presentations practically every day, we were slowly getting used to the hectic pace of the life of a management graduate; when one day we received an invitation from Lala Lajpatrai Institute for Management to participate in their annual management festival – CHAKRAVYUH 2007.

The entire class was excited with the thought of getting this first opportunity to represent our Indo-German Training Centre at a management fest. But at the same time apprehensions seeped in. Our seniors last year had made us proud by winning laurels at many events hosted at CHAKRAVYUH. We hardly even knew each other, so will we be able to work together and keep the IGTC flag flying high? Will we manage all our lectures, assignments and quizzes with preparations for a business plan, Ad-Mad, finance and HR quizzes, dance and fashion show practice sessions? Will we be able to face stiff competition from other senior management students? However, after much deliberation and discussions internally, we the trainees of Batch 2007-2009 decided to take the plunge. Yes, we decided to participate in CHAKRAVYUH 2007.

The next couple of days was a mad rush of deciding who would participate in which event, what would be our theme/ topic for the different competitions and setting our practice schedules. Despite a lot of cajoling, none of our faculty members gave in to our request of canceling any lectures. This was when we learnt our first lessons on team work and time management. What followed was a number of emotional breakdowns, tempers flying, people falling sick, hurting themselves…severe obstacles which tempted us to give up but we didn’t. The motivation to make a mark for our newfound home – IGTC – kept us going strong.

And at last, the D-day arrived. We reached Lala Lajpatrai to see 34 B-schools participate in the various events. The first day, 5th October, 2007 had elimination rounds for most of the events. The events for that day included management events such as the Ad-mad show, the Finance Quiz, the Marketing Quiz, the Business Plan and Recycle Bin in addition to other cultural events such as Singing, Dancing, Fashion Show and the Laughter Challenge. All the events were held at different locations in the college campus. All in all, the day was pretty successful as we qualified for a number of events. The presence of our Director, Mrs. Radhieka Mehta and Manager Corporate Relations, Ms. Tamanna Khanna was a great moral booster. Having qualified for the finals in many events we all were euphoric, but also nervous as many more expectations arose. We had to give our best shot on 6th October, 2007 – the finals. As the day progressed, a few prizes came in tow, leading to growing excitement. Everyone was looking forward to the final prize distribution ceremony. Gradually the secret unfolded and we realized that we had won the following events –

  • 1st in Ad-mad show
  • 1st in Fashion show along with Best Female Model
  • 2nd in Business Plan
  • 2nd in Brand Housie
  • 2nd in Laughter Challenge
  • 2nd in Table Tennis

Amidst a lot of cheering, a number of awards kept coming in and finally it came to the announcement for the Best College Trophy. Our hearts literally skipped a beat when they gave a clue that the winner was from Flora Fountain, and before we realized it, the Indo-German Training Centre was announced as the winners of the overall championship! We were ecstatic! We had done our Training Centre, our Director and ourselves proud! We had surpassed expectations to triumph!

Unbelievable but true, that night we came home with a grand trophy that stood as a symbol of many things – a unified class, understanding friends and unstinted dedication toward constructing newer paradigms for an excellence undreamt of!