Business Environment Germany Intensive Study Trip

Dear IGTCians,

The Business Environment Germany Intensive Study Trip to DHBW Karlsruhe, Germany has been a major highlight of the IGTC programme. We could not organise this trip for the last few years due to the pandemic and energy crisis in Germany, however we have now received an invitation from DHBW Karlsruhe that they would be very happy to receive an IGTC delegation (open to all PGPBA students, EBMP managers and Alumni).

The delegation will travel for about 11 nights from the 15th until 25th of November, 2023.

A draft agenda for the visit is enclosed here for your kind reference IGTC Seminar 2023 Program

* Everyone joining the trip has to participate in the entire agenda, as each day is planned keeping in mind the entire group, and has a German faculty dedicated to accompany us.

We have maximum 20 seats for this exchange programme and need a minimum confirmation of 15 participants to make the trip viable.

  • The cost of the delegation per person is tentatively planned at Rs. 270,000/- + 18% GST
    • The package is based on dynamic ticket costs, visa costs and foreign exchange rates.
    • The package includes return airfare, visa (if not available), insurance, hotel stay (double sharing) in Karlsruhe, all company visits and lectures at DHBW, and some sightseeing (e.g. City Tour, Heidelberg Castle, Bruchsal Palace etc as detailed in the draft itinerary).

We invite and encourage you to participate in this rich intercultural learning experience, and ask you kindly note the following deadlines:-

  • 10th August 2023 : Email informing us of your intention of participation, submission of passport copy and valid Schengen visa (if available)
  • 20th August 2023 : First advance of Rs. 100,000 + 18% GST payable
  • 15th September 2023 : Full and final balance payable (this amount would be adjusted as per the final ticket and visa expenses)

If you have any questions, please connect with Nehan Barodawala on 9870042664 / with cc to

A joint certificate will be granted by IGTC and DHBW, Karlsruhe for this study trip. A sample certificate from the past is also attached herewith for your reference.DHBW Certificate Sample

You can also read a little about the last visit on our website, or view a video on the past trip on

We look forward to having you join this life changing trip!!

Warm Regards,

Attendee Registration

    Name: *

    Email ID: *

    Mobile Number: *


    Course: *

    Graduating Year: *

    IGTC Location: *


    Do you have a valid Schengen Visa?*


    Would you prefer for IGTC to handle the booking of your travel tickets? Please select from the options below*