Indo-German Training Centre (IGTC)

Training, based on the German Dual System of practical and theoretical learning, has been one of the key roles and services of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce abroad. To extend this service to member companies in India and to provide them with a common management training platform, the IGCC established the Indo-German Training Centre (IGTC), Mumbai in 1991.

The Indo-German Training Centre is centrally located in the heart of the city, which makes it easily accessible for the student community and enables close collaboration with the local organisations.  The classrooms are fully air-conditioned, wi-fi enabled with modern training facilities. Spacious classrooms, equipped with audio visual aids provide the right ambience for the faculty and the students to nurture their teaching-learning process. A well-equipped in-house library provides the necessary knowledge resources. IGTC shares a common vision under the aegis of the Chamber.

IGTC Director's Message


Beena Nair


Radhieka R Mehta

“Welcome to the Indo-German Training Centre!

For the last 30 years, at IGTC, we have built a collaborative community that is passionate about management training and development. Our legacy lies in the German Dual Education System and this steers our flagship programmes, i.e., the Post Graduate Programme in Business Administration (PGPBA) and the Executive Business Management Programme (EBMP).

In the Post Graduate Programme in Business Administration, we go beyond the traditional academic methods to partner with the Indo-German business community and give the corporates a solid, common platform to be a full partner in the training process, along with being dream recruiters for young management trainees. Corporates drive admissions, industry-driven learning modules, on-the-job training and recruitments at IGTC. They interlock academic coursework with maximum exposure in the organisations, so that the trainees can apply their acquired knowledge to practical projects. They ensure that they give the trainees many opportunities to participate in effective decision-making and problem-ace.

Undoubtedly, the trainees thrive in such a practical, learning environment. They differentiate themselves as talent with the right attitude, empathy, and ethics and values. They stretch their boundaries to perform and deliver results in the member organisations.

With the strongly conceptualized, comprehensive Executive Business Management Programme, we upskill working professionals in our Indo-German partner organizations to grow into leadership roles. Growing from a local programme in Mumbai and Pune to a nation- wide reach, this programme has proved to be the greatest credibility-enhancer for IGTC. The credit for this success goes to the sheer brilliance of our esteemed teaching faculty, who make the most critical contribution. They deliver academic inputs and conceptual clarity with relentless passion, but also ensure that this knowledge is meticulously applied under their tutelage to the final capstone project, which in many cases is a live business plan for the benefit of the member organizations.

Two other initiatives that have been crucial to IGTC are the Indo-German HR Partner Forum and the international partnership with the Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg (DHBW). The former is an initiative to connect the senior HR partners on a common platform and to facilitate collaboration on areas of mutual interest and concerns, knowledge and best practice sharing among member organizations. The latter has been for a Business Environment Germany / India study trip as well as for the transfer of the credits earned in the IGTC PGPBA to the DHBW MBA programme. This will enable IGTCians to gain an international degree with expertise in contemporary topics such as Industry 4.0 and Business Analytics and the intercultural competence to become global business leaders.

For the IGTC team, it has been a fulfilling experience to be involved and to leave an impact on the lives of the several young graduates who came to “build-a-sustained-career" and on the lives of the seasoned managers, who came ‘back-to-school’ to learn. The bond that every IGTCian retains with the institute is our priceless treasure. Their continued growth and achievements keep the banner flying high and stand as the biggest testimony of our success. We remain enormously proud of our 3000+ Alumni Fraternity that stands for each other and strengthens IGTC for the future!

We remain grateful to the IGCC Committee Members and the Director General Stefan Halusa for prioritizing and promoting training as one of the key services of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce.

On this note, I invite you to learn more about IGTC on our website. Or better yet, visit us to experience the difference!”


IGTC Anthem

IGTC, you're the reason we find success
For you, our pride is timeless
Together we aspire, Together we achieve
IGTCians at heart, phenomenal we will be!

Laying the foundation to realize our dreams
Driving dual training to create synergies
Believing in quality to deliver with faith
Nurturing curiosity, seeking to innovate

IGTC, you're the reason we find success
For you, our pride is timeless
Together we aspire, Together we achieve
IGTCians at heart, phenomenal we will be!

Infusing optimism to embrace hurdles with smiles
Discovering true friendships that triumph over times
Inspiring excellence to stand the test
Leaders of tomorrow the very, very best!

IGTC, you're the reason we find success
For you, our pride is timeless
Together we aspire, Together we achieve
IGTCians at heart, phenomenal we will be!

Play Anthem

IGTC Milestone

2022 Formation of the Alumni Catalysts Group to steer Alumni Initiatives


Launch of IGTC Reconnect: Our Exclusive Alumni Mobile App


Launch of 1st All India Executive Business Management Programme


IGTC’s highly customized, digital dashboard called “Access@IGTC” was developed by Autuskey Private Limited. connecting all IGTC stakeholders.


IGTC signed a MoU with the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Center for Advanced Studies (CAS), Heilbronn for a Master Program in Business Management.


The Indo-German HR Forum launched ‘Horizon Redefined’ am HR Capability Building Initiative.


IGTC hits a century with 100 students inducted into the PGPBA Batch 2017-2019.


IGTC celebrates its 25th Anniversary, Alumni Reunion and Homecoming.


Based on the growing requirements of partnering organisations, IGTC Mumbai doubles capacity to 80 trainees.


IGTC makes a foray into Pune with its successful One Year Executive Business Management Programme, the first batch consists of 46 managers sponsored by 13 organisations.


Sarjak Parekh and Shashank Chandrasekharan are selected for ‘Make-it-in-Germany’, a programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).


“Business Environment Germany”, the first two week student exchange programme is hosted by DHBW, Karlsruhe for 26 IGTC students.


Vivek Komath from IGTC is selected as the first “CAReer Trainee” from India by Mercedes-Benz India Pvt. Ltd. and is inducted to the world of Daimler among 32 trainees from 10 different nationalities.


1000th trainee, Dhanyashree Thykatil, graduates from IGTC and receives a special plaque from H.E. Ambassador Michael Steiner.


The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany awards a Certificate of Recognition to IGTC student, Ashwin Jayaraman for being trained by the German Dual Education System.


“Business Environment India”, the first two-week student exchange programme is hosted to give 23 DHBW students an insight into India as a growing economy.


President Reinhold R. Geilsdörfer and senior representatives of various DHBW campuses visit IGTC to further crystallize on collaborations.


IGTC makes its presence at the Indo-German Urban Mela by conducting a symposium on “Exploring Infinite Opportunities in German Organisations” with the HR Partner Forum.


A customized Executive Business Management Programme is launched for 26 managers of Clariant Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. and is repeated in 2013.


With the support of Volker Ihle and Peter Lehmeier, collaboration for student exchange programme is formalised with the Duale Hochschule Baden Wuerttemberg (DHBW), Karlsruhe.


BASF Group enhances the IGTC curriculum with a Seminar Series on “Corporate Governance and Business Ethics”; Prasad Chandran, Chairman & MD, BASF India presents the first award to Sonam Choudhary.


Bayer Group launches merit-based scholarship programme “Championing Success”. Stephan Gerlich, Country Group Head and KS Harish, Country Head HR, Bayer Group present the certificates and cheques of Rs. 50000/-.


Indo-German HR Partner Forum is initiated to collaborate, share knowledge and benchmark best HR practices among organisations.


One-Year Executive Business Management Programme is launched to equip middle management executives of member companies with a holistic, cross- functional exposure to all aspects of management.


Goethe Insitut / Max Mueller Bhavan signs a strategic alliance to award a one month German language scholarship in Germany for the Dr. Günter Krüger Award winner in each centre.


IGTC Kolkata is inaugurated by H.E. Ambassador Thomas Matussek.


IGTC Bangalore is inaugurated by Otto Kentzler, President, Federation of German Chambers of Skilled Crafts (ZDH).


Dr. Martin Wansleben, Director General, DIHK and Dr. Juergen Moellering, Head of Legal Department, DIHK visit IGTC.


IGTC Chennai is inaugurated by L. S. Ganesh, Head of Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai.


H.E. Ambassador Heimo Richter, presents the first Dr. Günter Krüger Award for Excellence to Jaykumar Waghela, a trainee recruited by Eirich Transweigh.


Dr. Günter Krüger Award for Excellence is instituted in the memory of the Late Dr. Günter Krüger, and is henceforth to be presented to the Best Performing Student of every IGTC batch.



“Menace” or “The Management Rat Race”, a version of the Harvard Business Game, is introduced by G.C. Dore, General Manager, Siemens Ltd.


H.E. K. S. Rana, Indian Ambassador to Germany awards certificates at the Convocation Ceremony of 1st IGTC Batch 1991-1993.


Goethe Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan joins hands with IGTC.


Volker C. Ihle, IGTC Director with the first batch of 22 trainees.


H.E. Dr. H.G. Wieck, Ambassador, Federal Republic of Germany and H.E. C. Subramaniam, Governor of Maharashtra light the inaugural lamp.


IGTC Milestone

2022 Formation of the Alumni Catalysts Group to steer Alumni Initiatives


Launch of IGTC Reconnect: Our Exclusive Alumni Mobile App


Launch of 1st All India Executive Business Management Programme


IGTC’s highly customized, digital dashboard called “Access@IGTC” was developed by Autuskey Technology Development Pvt. Ltd. connecting all IGTC stakeholders.


IGTC signed a MoU with the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Center for Advanced Studies (CAS), Heilbronn for a Master Program in Business Management.


The Indo-German HR Forum launched ‘Horizon Redefined’ am HR Capability Building Initiative.


IGTC hits a century with 100 students inducted into the PGPBA Batch 2017-2019.


IGTC celebrates its 25th Anniversary, Alumni Reunion and Homecoming.


Based on the growing requirements of partnering organisations, IGTC Mumbai doubles capacity to 80 trainees.


IGTC makes a foray into Pune with its successful One Year Executive Business Management Programme, the first batch consists of 46 managers sponsored by 13 organisations.


Sarjak Parekh and Shashank Chandrasekharan are selected for ‘Make-it-in-Germany’, a programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).


“Business Environment Germany”, the first two week student exchange programme is hosted by DHBW, Karlsruhe for 26 IGTC students.


Vivek Komath from IGTC is selected as the first “CAReer Trainee” from India by Mercedes-Benz India Pvt. Ltd. and is inducted to the world of Daimler among 32 trainees from 10 different nationalities.


1000th trainee, Dhanyashree Thykatil, graduates from IGTC and receives a special plaque from H.E. Ambassador Michael Steiner.


“Business Environment India”, the first two-week student exchange programme is hosted to give 23 DHBW students an insight into India as a growing economy.


President Reinhold R. Geilsdörfer and senior representatives of various DHBW campuses visit IGTC to further crystallize on collaborations.


IGTC makes its presence at the Indo-German Urban Mela by conducting a symposium on “Exploring Infinite Opportunities in German Organisations” with the HR Partner Forum.


A customized Executive Business Management Programme is launched for 26 managers of Clariant Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. and is repeated in 2013.


With the support of Volker Ihle and Peter Lehmeier, collaboration for student exchange programme is formalised with the Duale Hochschule Baden Wuerttemberg (DHBW), Karlsruhe.


BASF Group enhances the IGTC curriculum with a Seminar Series on “Corporate Governance and Business Ethics”; Prasad Chandran, Chairman & MD, BASF India presents the first award to Sonam Choudhary.


Bayer Group launches merit-based scholarship programme “Championing Success”. Stephan Gerlich, Country Group Head and KS Harish, Country Head HR, Bayer Group present the certificates and cheques of Rs. 50000/-.


Indo-German HR Partner Forum is initiated to collaborate, share knowledge and benchmark best HR practices among organisations.


One-Year Executive Business Management Programme is launched to equip middle management executives of member companies with a holistic, cross- functional exposure to all aspects of management.


Goethe Insitut / Max Mueller Bhavan signs a strategic alliance to award a one month German language scholarship in Germany for the Dr. Günter Krüger Award winner in each centre.


IGTC Kolkata is inaugurated by H.E. Ambassador Thomas Matussek.


IGTC Bangalore is inaugurated by Otto Kentzler, President, Federation of German Chambers of Skilled Crafts (ZDH).


Dr. Martin Wansleben, Director General, DIHK and Dr. Juergen Moellering, Head of Legal Department, DIHK visit IGTC.


IGTC Chennai is inaugurated by L. S. Ganesh, Head of Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai.


H.E. Ambassador Heimo Richter, presents the first Dr. Günter Krüger Award for Excellence to Jaykumar Waghela, a trainee recruited by Eirich Transweigh.


Dr. Günter Krüger Award for Excellence is instituted in the memory of the Late Dr. Günter Krüger, and is henceforth to be presented to the Best Performing Student of every IGTC batch.



“Menace” or “The Management Rat Race”, a version of the Harvard Business Game, is introduced by G.C. Dore, General Manager, Siemens Ltd.


H.E. K. S. Rana, Indian Ambassador to Germany awards certificates at the Convocation Ceremony of 1st IGTC Batch 1991-1993.


Goethe Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan joins hands with IGTC.


Volker C. Ihle, IGTC Director with the first batch of 22 trainees.


H.E. Dr. H.G. Wieck, Ambassador, Federal Republic of Germany and H.E. C. Subramaniam, Governor of Maharashtra light the inaugural lamp.