The IGTC PGPBA is one of the most transformative management courses, based on the German Dual Education System. For most IGTCians, it’s a time of self-discovery, growth and transition from the safe classroom to the real professional, corporate world. As the editorial team, we spoke to some of the graduating IGTCians to get a sense of their experiences. Pleased to share some snippets of our interview with them.

Introduction to the diverse group

  • Aqib Nakhwa, trained by Knorr-Bremse Technology Center India, recruited by NRB Bearings (Strategic
  • Awdoot Kamble, trained by Bosch Limited, recruited by Phoneix Mecano India (Sales).
  • Bhagyesh Ghosalkar, trained by Bosch Auto Electronics, recruited by DHL Express (Operations).
  • Saniya Mansuri, trained by Bosch Limited, recruited by BASF India (GROW trainee).
  • Varda Maydeo, trained by Schott Poonawalla, recruited by Maier + Viderno (HR).
  • Yash Dsouza, trained and recruited by Deutsche Bank India (Finance).


Share a management concept that you loved to learn

  • Blue Ocean strategy in which you innovate something completely different from the competition and
    open up new market space and create new demand.
  • Design Thinking with the AEIOU framework, which is a collaborative process.
  • Mass customization concept, which focuses on ‘Front end customization, back-end standardization’ to
    produce custom products with low unit costs at mass production efficiency.
  • Quality Function Deployment and its application throughout every function and industry to gain a
    competitive edge.
  • Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats tool that enabled me to evaluate a situation through different styles
    of thinking.
  • Undisputedly GOYA; management takes place by visiting sites, by talking to your custome, very often our
    perception of reality differs from the actual reality.
  • 5S concept because it provided a structured and systematic approach to create a more efficient and
    effective work environment that was easier to navigate and work in.


Share a value that you have inculcated at IGTC

  • Pushing me out of my comfort zone toward realizing and persuasively following my dreams.
  • Embracing the hurdle of language barrier while working on a primary research project at Bosch and to ultimately discover some true friends for life.
  • Understanding perspectives and varied thought processes to work in a group and accomplish the task
    with perfection.
  • Practical orientation that should be applied in every aspect of personal and professional life
  • Being optimistic when deadlines seemed impossible to meet and collaborating to create synergies with
    our classmates in every project.
  • Never saying no to new experiences and accepting the new challenges that helped me to improve and


Share a best memory that comes to mind from your Life@IGTC

  • Sales and Distribution lectures, wherein we got a reality check on decision making and how to deal with biases.
  • Training stints in diverse industries and companies that led to discussions and knowledge sharing.
  • Group projects and discussions with peers that helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses.
  • Coffee breaks, which were utilized for extempore speaking on a topic that we were passionate about.
  • Anchoring Failure Knights, an Alumni event where we chose to collectively confess and celebrate failures
    to normalize the fear of failure.
  • Our camping trip near Pawna Dam.


Share a short message to future IGTCians.

  • Excellence. Simply delivered. German organizations be it DHL or Bosch strive to achieve excellence and if excellence is what you wish to achieve in life, then IGTC is the perfect place for you.
  • The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams, and if you dream to see yourself contributing to German organizations, IGTC is for you and your dreams.
  • Welcome to a world of strong connections and a network will help you much more than you know now.
  • Although it may sound cliched, it is true; IGTC will truly go faster than you expect it too. There will always be positive and negative moments, and in the end all of them will be great memories.
  • Be yourself and let IGTC happen to you!


What does IGTC mean to me?

  • IGTC is the stepping-stone to start a journey in the corporate world and the comfort zone where one can fall back to share the joys and sorrows in their professional as well as personal life.
  • A timeless bond which had nurtured me to stand as a proud management professional in the world.
  • Just as potatoes from farms are made into tasty, flavoured, perfectly shaped and packaged Pringles
    chips, IGTC is a place that moulded me from an engineer into a polished management professional.
  • The place where I found the hidden magician inside me.

Being phenomenal is about being true to yourself and living your life with purpose and passion. This is what
IGTC has thrived to instil in its graduates and there is no doubt that they have stood true to this mantra in
time to come.