IGTC program came during my early crossroad in life. I always wanted to work for an airline and also pursue higher education. The IGTC program offered me a combination of both as that time my company too was a corporate partner of this program. German excellence and economic success stems from its high focus on apprenticeship. The IGTC Program run on the German system of dual-education and supported by German companies consequently has a high focus on apprenticeship. There is equal if not higher weightage given to knowledge gained through hands on experience rather than just theoretical studies. This advantage of practical knowledge has contributed immensely to my career growth. It broadens the outlook and assists in following a more holistic approach towards the job. In the short period of the program, I gained extensive knowledge and build a network within the company which normally would take years. The program under the guidance of an excellent faculty along with batch mates supported by diverse German corporates for me was a big success.